Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New Again!


Doug's brother Steven and his wife, Jessica, gave us this bright barnyard-red chair that their daughter, Ileigh, had ripped and drawn on and they wanted to get rid of. We decided to re-upholster it ourselves and see if we could make it "new" again. Doug did most of the chair covering with a nail gun while I sewed the cushions and pillows. Although it did take us a little while longer than expected we love the way it turned out!



Auger Family said...

wow you guys are amazing!

Kandas said...

How cute! It turned out really good! I am impressed. You guys are amazing as Katie says!!

Hey and by the way- back off ok... LOL, one of these days I will update my blog... :)

Kandas said...

Hey PS- your invites for game night were way cute! I didn't know we were doing it again. YEAH!! I am coming, but have class that night, so I will be a little late.

Ben and Jen Shell said...

How cute is that Chair! I LOVE it!!! Good job by the way, you are so talented!

Stina said...

I am very very impressed. And, how great is it that Doug was motivated to work on it too? Talk about teamwork!!!

abbie higginson said...

okay, I finally clicked on your blog comment to find your blog. remember that i am old and slow at this stuff. cute blog! i am adding you to my blog list. hope you don't mind.

justine said...

WOW!! love it.

Kandas said...

So- I really left your house to go and do homework...but got a little side trackted! (Go figure.) Thanks again for the fun night though! That was tons of fun and I think we could all deserve a fun game night at least once a month, so we need to keep it going!

The Daley Fam said...

You guys are so talented. I love it! You have some serious motivation too. You inspire me!

Ryan and Steph Dudley said...

That looks like the most comfortable chair ever! I want one.

The Higginson's said...

Wow! You guys did such a great job! I love it! We really appreciate what Doug fixing up Alivia's dresser. He did a really good job on it too.

Kassi said...

Hey Erin! I can't believe i found your blog! How are you doing?