Sunday, April 13, 2008

Joe & Carol Weaver

Instead of staying in California or Las Vegas for a few days after our cruise, we rushed home in order to attend the temple sealing of a couple Doug taught on his mission in Georgia, Joe and Carol Weaver. And boy, we are sure glad that we did. We felt so honored to be invited - well, it wasn't really me, it's Doug they wanted and I just come as part of the package deal! They were just the sweetest couple and treated me like they had known me for years! It was really neat to see how excited they were that Doug could be a part of their sealing...he was even asked to be a witness. The only temple sealing I have ever been to is my own, and let's face it - I had so many emotions running through me that day I don't remember it at all. So it was really neat to see their sealing and remember some of the things from my own. We were really glad that we were able to be there. The Weavers also had a grandson being blessed on Sunday, and asked us to come. It is amazing for me to think of how many people got really close to and care so much about Doug from his mission and I don't even know them! So I was really glad to finally meet some of them! Congratulations Weavers and thanks for including us in such a wonderful day!


Kandas said...

That is awesome! I am so glad that you posted that, because it really is one of the neatest things ever. How fun to see people that Doug was able to work with. Ri and I were in the temple last Thursday and a couple that lived in Paris while I served ended up doing sealings with us that night. It was so good to see them and brought back so many memories. I can't wait till we go back and Ri can meet many more people. Mission's are awesome!! Congrats to you Doug. That is amazing!!

Carol said...

Thank you Erin and Doug for including us in a blog. We are so honored to have one named after us. Some people get a building, a street or a library, but we got a blog!!!

Seriously, it meant so much for us to see Doug (Elder Carlson) again and to meet the wonderful girl he married. We consider you part of our Utah family and will definitely be checking in on you about every six months in person.

I was wonderful to walk into the room and see Doug's face and know that ya'll (like that?) were a part of our special day since Doug had a lot to do with it.

See you in October and in the blogs.