Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Our house is FINALLY done

Well, after 7 months of living with our parents, we are FINALLY in our own place again! After a few delays, we finally moved in on December 27th. Although we had hoped to be in before Christmas, we realized it was the best late Christmas present that we could have ever received! It was much nicer to concentrate on Christmas and then on our home, since it became so time consuming. It seemed like this day would never come and we are so excited for our new home!

Boy what a headache this turned out to be. On moving day we found out that our refrigerator wouldn't fit through our door! So this is Doug taking the door completely off in order to fit it through! Thanks to everyone who helped us would have taken us two months if Doug and I was to do it on our own!

After a few weeks, and SO much work from Doug, we are settled (out of boxes, YAY!) and loving turning the new house into our new home. Doug is so talented and has made so many pieces of furniture that have made our home even more beautiful. After a bit of painting and some last finishing touches we are finally settled.

PLEASE feel free to stop by and visit us...just use the old sugar factory as your guiding star!

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