Friday, September 12, 2008


Yesterday Doug was in the neighborhood, so I was able to take a break from the monotony and run away with him to lunch. We tried out Marley's, which is the eatery at the new Harley Davidson store on 1600 North - conveniently 4 blocks away from my work. Although Marley's was an utter disappointment (they call their extra miniature hamburgers 'sliders' so you don't realize you're paying a ton of money for NO food) we saw a celebrity! Recognize the man above? Hint: look at his shirt. This must be all he wears because he was wearing a short-sleeved white BYU shirt today too (I can't say that I blame him - he gets paid a lot to sport the BYU apparel)! Bronco Mendenhall was eating just a table away from us with his wife and son. I wanted to whip out my cell phone and take a picture (discreetly, of course), but Doug wouldn't hand it over. I then wanted to go over and shake his hand, just to say that I have met him. But Doug wouldn't let me do that either. He said he didn't want me to be one of "those people." You know, the kind that get excited and stupid when seeing a Utah County celebrity? Good thing I have a husband who stops me from embarrassing myself in public. But I still can't help myself from thinking it was cool!


Stina said...

Well, I would have wanted to say hi. We went to the BYU Football fireside at our stake a year ago and shook his hand afterwards. He was so nice and when I went up to him he said, "Hi. I'm Bronco." I thought it was really sweet cause, duh, we all know who he is! They're having one in Payson and you can go listen and then meet him--a very appropriate time to be "one of those people"!

Carol said...

Glad you told me who he was. Unfortunately down here in Georgia, I had no idea who he was.

However, I do understand about wanting to me a celebrity. Joe and I were in the LAX airport last August eating lunch at the California Kitchen when Henry Winkler came walking past me. I saw him coming, wanted to whip out my camera phone and snap a picture. Or jump up in front of him and introduce myself. However, I did neither of the above, but rather just said hello as he passed and treated him like he was just a "regular" unknown person.

The Gulls said...

he must hang out at the harley davidson building. Me and andy saw him there a month ago with his leather jacket on.

Kandas said...

Ri will be so jealous when I tell him you saw Bronco. He loves that man and adores BYU football. How fun, even though the food wasn't great!

Ryan and Steph Dudley said...

That's awesome! Ryan Loves that guy, he wasn't a fan of BYU till he read about Bronco and how cool of a guy he is - now he wants to jump on the BYU bandwagon! That's too funny!